Soggiorni Regalo Appartamento
One night stay for two people in a Studio in the Residences of Villa dei Cedri with indoor Jacuzzi over 2m x 2m powered by thermal water at 37 ° C.
entrance to the Thermal Park
Dinner at Villa Moscardo Restaurant (2 courses and dessert, drinks not included).
Free parking outside the park walls.
Access to the park and thermal lakes  for the days of arrival, stay and departure.
Dinner in Villa Moscrado Restaurant with 2 dishes and dessert (drink not included).
The stay must be booked in advance by calling +39 045 7590988 from Monday to Saturday.
The stay is valid for 1 year from the time of purchase (it is not valid in the period from 21/12 to 06/01, holidays and bridges)
Apartments in restored buildings in the old town of Colà
Studio apartments with a king size sofa bed
"Thermal room" with jacuzzi (2,16 m x 2,48) - thermal water at approximately 36°
Kitchen appliances and linen provided
Bath linen provided (no bathrobe)
Courtesy personal care kit
All apartments have autonomous heating - air conditioning, satellite TV and a safe deposit box
Parking outside the walls of the Thermal Park in Via dei Miniscalchi N. 6 Lazise, IMPORTANT: BEFORE TO PARK YOU HAVE TO CHECK-IN AT RECEPTION LOCATED IN PIAZZA DI SOPRA N.7
Apartments will be cleaned every day and bed linen changed every two days
Late check out with an additional charge.

Terms of sale

Prezzo online
N° biglietti

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Lo sconto del 10% è utilizzabile solo online ed è valido per 6 mesi.
Si applica al biglietto Parco Termale + Centro Benessere con validità di un anno dall’emissione e ai prodotti della Linea Cosmesi Termale di Villa dei Cedri.
Non cumulabile con altre promozioni in corso.